Killed By Niantic

Community Forums

June 2019 - April 2024

A Place Where You Can Be Conveniently Ignored

Remember yelling into the void on Google+, only to be met with the deafening silence of Niantic’s social media team? Well, fret no more! Those days of inefficient public outreach are over. Niantic offers a whole new level of delightful frustration: official community forums! That’s right, folks. Why settle for the vibrant discussions and helpful advice on platforms like Twitter or Reddit when you can experience the exquisite joy of being lectured by Niantic’s very own officially labeled XM Ambassadors?

Shockingly, Niantic’s Community Forums survived for almost five years. On March 26, 2024, it was announced that the Ingress Community Forum would be shut down and deleted, and the Wayfarer Community Forum would be moved to a new forum.

The changes to the Ingress Community Forum shouldn’t have surprised anybody. Niantic hadn’t updated the News section between September 2022 and March 2024. Despite an 18-month gap in “News,” Ingress hasn’t kicked the bucket yet.

Those of you who are participating in Killed-By-Niantic betting pools should take note. Niantic also announced replacing the XM Ambassador and Vanguard programs with a new-ish and improved-ish Player Ambassador program “before the end of 2024.”

Also, the new Wayfarer Forum will require a NianticID to participate. I should create a NianticID page too.