Killed By Niantic


December 2016 - January 2024

The Calculus Changes Dramatically

Xgress was a frontend for a database containing the scraped data of Ingress agents from 2016 until 2024. The tool had a limited free version and a premium version with access to the complete dataset, a helpful IITC plugin to access portal history, and a telegram bot that would provide realtime tracking information of your favorite agents. Although Niantic didn’t produce Xgress, Xgress relied on Niantic’s data.

Xgress was a black market site that escaped the wrath of Niantic’s legal team following the Broker’s Guild scandals by existing outside of the United States and Canada. The admins hosted the website and database in Belarus, Germany, and the Netherlands.

In January 2024, the admins updated the website with a banner that read, “Site will be shutdown soon. We have decided to stop supporting the project as it is no longer valuable.” The consensus is that this is a bad sign for Ingress Prime because it is another indicator that interest in the game has dramatically declined.